I'd like to take a moment and examine a couple of bands from my neck of the woods - New England. For those of you who can't remember US geography from school, or never learned of it, New England is in the far North East section of the US, comprised of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. We've got a long and very proud history within the states, and some fantastic musicians have come from here. Here's a couple that I could come up with. Sorry Rhode Island...
Vermont - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals / Phish
Crazy Parade - Grace Potter & The Nocturnals

Phish, well known for its live concerts rather than their studio works, formed at the University of Vermont when John Fishman, Trey Anastasio and Jeff Holdsworth got together to play in Fishman's dorm room in 1983. They were later joined by Mike Gordon and Page McConnel. The band released their first album in 1988 and they got really popular shortly after, filling a void that the Grateful Dead left when they disbanded. The band broke up in 2001 after a long tour, but most of the members are still active in the music world.
Heavy Things - Phish
Massachusetts - The Dropkick Murphys / Guster
State of Massachutetts - The Dropkick Murphys
Guster is based out of Boston, Mass, and was founded at Tufts University there when Adam, Ryan and Brian met while in attendance. They released two albums prior to 1999 that were sleeper hits, but gained traction with the 1999 album Lost and Gone Forever and have recently released their latest album, Ganging Up On The Sun.
Hang On - Guster
Connecticut - The Alternate Routes / Rane
Time Is A Runaway - The Alternate Routes
Rane is a band that's still pretty small, based out of Hartford Connecticut with a sound that they describe as 'progressive pop', that's quite good. I got hooked on them right away, and their first couple albums are very fun to listen to. They started their own record label, Tides Records, and have released 8 albums in the last couple of years. Haven't heard much from them lately, hopefully we'll hear from them soon...
From The Vine - Rane
Maine (And New Hampshire)- Ray LaMontagne
Trouble - Ray Lamontagne
Rhode Island - I couldn't find anyone from there. Anyone know of any?