Death Cab for Cutie's got a new album coming out in a month or so - Narrow Stairs. This one's been in the works for a little while, and it's supposed to be really, really different from their other albums. There's a couple tracks floating around now from it, as the single (which comes in at a long 8:36 minutes) which is absolutely wonderful - Great song. The early reviews have been pretty positive thus far and if this first track's something to go by, I'm really eagerly awaiting this one. I suspect that we'll see it on a lot of top ten lists this year.
Track List for Narrow Stairs:
1. Bixby Canyon Bridge
2. I Will Possess Your Heart
3. No Sunlight
4. Cath...
5. Talking Bird
6. You Can Do Better Than Me
7. Grapevine Fires
8. Your New Twin Sized Bed
9. Long Division
10. Pity And Fear
11. The Ice Is Getting Thinner
I Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab for Cutie