Existing Bands Dragging Their Heels
Ex-Girlfriends - Low Millions

Low Millions came out with a hit single in 2004, called Eleanor, closely followed by a couple of other singles, Statue and Low Millions. The band has a very cool and relaxed sound, and the theme of the album is pretty overt - breaking up and ex-girl friends. I've been listening to it a lot more than I usually do. There's nothing especially different about this band - they've got a fairly mainstream sound, but they maintain a solid beat and some pretty good vocal work here. I really liked this album, save for a couple of tracks, and I had hoped that they would get going on a followup sometime in the near future. I believe that the band is made up of a bunch of members from other bands, which might be part of the reason for no activity on their part. According to a myspace blog entry, they were starting on some new material in 2006. Hopefully, we'll see some more from them.
Mockingbird - Low Millions
Give Up - The Postal Service

This is one of the Indie super groups, made up of members of Death Cab for Cutie, Rilo Kiley and a couple of others, under the indie favorite Subpop records. They're the ones responsible for the fantastic song Such Great Heights, as well as We Will Be Sillouettes and a couple of others. Give Up has a fantastic sound and a nice blend of electronic and rock there. Unfortunently, they have also not come up with a followup album, although it seems that one has been in the works for a little while now, with most, if not all of the original members coming back for the album. This'll be a good one to wait for.
Natural Anthem - The Postal Service
A Girl Called Eddy - A Girl Called Eddy
I came across A Girl Called Eddy through Amazon.com when they had a list of free MP3 songs - I downloaded and fell completely in love with Under The Warm Sun, Golden and The Long Goodbye, and went out to get more of her music. She's got a great voice and sound, smokey with some really good guitarwork. Her debut, self titled album followed her first EP, Tears All Over Town. Unfortunently, that seems to be it for now - her webpage has vanished, in place of a myspace account, and while I think that I've read that she's coming up with a followup, I haven't seen or heard anything recently. I hope that she'll be recording again, because her music is fantastic.
The Long Goodbye - A Girl Called Eddy
Bands Gone the Way of the Dinosaur
Buring in the Sun - Blue Merle
Bittersweet Memory - Blue Merle
New and Upcoming Bands
Good and Reckless and True - The Alternate Routes
I found these guys this summer, and they're a pretty new band, out of Connecticut. I've seen them twice, and they've really good a good sound, a solid rock album, with a good amount of media exposure thus far. Their live shows were a lot of fun to watch, and their first album, Good and Reckless and True was a really good one to listen to. I talked with one of the band members, and he said that after their current tour, they'll be back in the studio.
Ordinary - The Alternate Routes
One Cell in the Sea - A Fine Frenzy
One Cell in the Sea is the first album by A Fine Frenzy, which was released earlier this summer. This is a fantastic first effort from a very promising musician. This has a number of fantastic songs on it, and because it's a first album that's recently been released, I'm confident that we'll see her soon again.
Rangers - A Fine Frenzy
Say No To Being Cool Say Yes To Being Happy - The Softlightes
Heart Made of Sound - Softlightes
Time Without Consequence - Alexi Murdoch
Blue Mind - Alexi Murdoch